Tuesday, October 13, 2015

quickswitch 1.1.0

An update for QuickSwitch was released today which brings the application to version 1.1.0.

This adds support for the use of flashlight on many devices. This also is the first release of a pyamsoft application which moves the minSdk version from 10 (Gingerbread) to 16 (Jelly Bean). This move signifies the slow change in an attempt to modernize and standardize over various Android versions. Just as iOS developers cannot be expected (and are even discouraged) to support older iOS versions, and Linux developers cannot hope to always support the oldest systems, Android too experiences a lot of fragmentation (if not almost as much as Linux distributions). Making the minSdk version a required 16 instead of the many years old Android 10 will help as Android moves into the future.

Power Manager is undergoing a massive UI rewrite for version 5 which will incorporate new aniimations, and as much of the Material design kit as possible. A new, albeit simple application is also in the works, which will improve user experience when watching fullscreen or viewing immersive content.

Stay tuned.

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