Been away for a bit but that doesn't mean that nothing has been happening. Nerd stuff first.
Multiple app updates went out, the latest and most stable being version 24. Version 23 has a critical performance bug which will slow down your phone after enough usage, and I recommend you upgrade immediately off of it. A bunch of performance and battery changes have been made so the app should be faster and more efficient!
The library has seen some changes, mainly on the usage of the EventBus class, which is now just an alias for a Flow. We still keep this class because the event bus underneath is a MutableSharedFlow, which for some reason is harder to bind into Dagger than using our own EventBus and EventConsumer. Plus, the interface names being different from "just a Flow" help mentally convey that this flow may travel outside of the class you directly find it in.
Lots of other small changes and fun projects continued and some new ones started. Mostly revolving around money and investments and spending - you know how it is in this economy. Hopefully later on I will have more concrete thoughts to write about, but for now, just know that I'm still here, and still working.
When I'm not playing Zelda, that is.
Stay tuned!
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