In my spare time I like to program.
But in my other spare time I like to - well - mess around with hosting random media services on a spare computer and broadcasting them out online. I know. So cool. So sexy.
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But in my other spare time I like to - well - mess around with hosting random media services on a spare computer and broadcasting them out online. I know. So cool. So sexy.
My online-hobby is what's called "selfhosting" which is a fancy way of saying instead of paying 15 dollars a month for a Netflix subscription that I can't share outside of my house, I pay 10 dollars a year for a domain name and 3 dollars a month for a Virtual Private Server (VPS) that I can connect to anywhere.
Now, if you've never dabbled in VPS or cloud hosting or Amazon Web Services (AWS) or any of these hyper-nerd things, the only thing you need to know is that cloud hosting is very very expensive. We're talking every time you type a letter on your computer, Amazon is billing you for the amount of CPU time you are spending. These bills add up fast, when you are using your VPS on AWS to do things like host websites or store media like Big Buck Bunny and Linux ISOs.
To offset these ridiculous costs, if you have a spare machine laying around like I do (oh we privileged few), then you could run all of these media services on this spare machine and just have it do all the work instead of paying Amazon. This is called hosting your own server! Look at you go! You can put media and files on your server and then access it from any other computer at home. And when you go outside and want to access stuff on your phone, you can port-forward on your router and share your server with the Internet - which will get you immediately hacked and DDOSed, and your ISP will shut you down and now you don't have any Internet at home anymore. Fun. Realistically, exposing your machine directly to the world via a port-forward on your router just isn't going to work. It's horribly insecure and one DDOS attack can take down your entire home network. We need something slightly better.
Our solution has to meet three minimum constraints.
1, it needs to be accessible to you outside of your physical home (or your virtual home network). What's the point of having all these movies on a computer if I can't actually watch them on anything except the actual computer when I'm sitting next to it at home. I want to be able to login, just like someone would login to Netflix, and watch the media I've curated (so many copies and variations of Big Buck Bunny).
2, exposing the server to the Internet should not immediately make us susceptible to being hacked. Basically, the server running should not expose our home network directly as an attack vector.
2, exposing the server to the Internet should not immediately make us susceptible to being hacked. Basically, the server running should not expose our home network directly as an attack vector.
3, low cost.
First off, let's actually tackle point number 3, the low cost. To reduce cost, instead of using a platform like Google Cloud or Amazon AWS, I strictly run all of my services and hosting on my spare server machine. I own all the data, I buy hard drives for storage, I directly manage the machine. This does require a little (a lot) of Linux knowledge. While this reduces the cost in raw dollars, it does come at a cost of my time both learning and maintaining stuff. Now since this is a hobby I don't mind, the goal is to reduce dollar cost. But be aware that self hosting can cost significant time and lose you significant points on the "Partner-Approval-Scale". Now, on to my self-hosting odyssey.
-- Part 1: The Tunnel
I started my self-host journey spending 0 dollars and giving out 0 credit card information, by using Freenom for a domain name and Cloudflare Tunnels for access. Freenom was, at the time, a legit enough website that would give me a free domain name like "". I was able to switch the domain DNS to Cloudflare for their additional security and global network via Cloudflare Free Tier. Then I used Cloudflare Tunnels so that all of the programs running on my local machine could be shared out over this domain name. It was a fully working, globally accessible setup that cost me 0 dollars to maintain. Cloudflare Tunnels made sure that I was not directly exposing my home network onto the Internet, which kept me relatively secure. The setup met all the requirements (1, 2, and 3), and was fast enough to stream Big Buck Bunny to a laptop across the ocean with relatively little lag. Great!
The problem with the setup though, was that "technically" Cloudflare Tunnels only let you host normal websites. They don't let you do things like send video streams or host game servers. Just normal, look at my blog, boring old static websites. I say "techincally" because the only thing actually stopping you from streaming media over the tunnel was that it went against the Cloudflare Terms of Service. Also the Tunnel connection did have a maximum bandwidth cap of ~100MB, which while fast enough for streaming content, was significantly slower than my Internet 1Gig plan (thanks Google Fiber). I needed a different solution that wouldn't break any ToS agreements and would allow me to use as much of my network connection as possible.
-- Part 2: The Mesh
I had a working setup, but I needed to find something that was a bit more "above board" to feel comfortable. Constraint (3) was handled by my home server. I needed a replacement for (1) and (2) that didn't involve the Cloudflare Tunnel. I temporarily settled on a mesh network VPN setup. Now, TailScale or NetMaker or NetBird or ZeroTier could do this for you, easily, free of charge, effectively "super secure" with the only requirement being that all of your devices have the respective app installed. These apps create a network between your devices, so no matter where you are in the world, your phone can talk to your server running at home via the mesh network. Ezpz, job done. Worldwide access, free of charge, and effectively complete security. 1, 2, 3. End of post, see you next week.
For many people, a private mesh VPN network actually is the end game solution. It covers all three of our requirements, and is free. But what if you want to share this cool website you made with your friend, but you don't want them on your TailScale network, or you just don't want them to have to install an app to access your stuff? Well then there are tradeoffs. Again, we revisit "The Cloud" and the VPS. Which brings us to my current setup and solution.
-- Part 3: The Jump
Now wait, I thought we were self-hosting our stuff? I thought we have this awesome machine sitting in the living room just chugging away at Big Buck Bunny, why would we want to spend money to purchase a VPS? Well, remember our 3 requirements? Port-forwarding your home network accomplishes 1 and 3, but horribly fails the security requirement in 2. Putting all your stuff on a VPS directly accomplishes 1 and 2 but horribly fails the cost-effective requirement of 3. The "nice" middle ground is hosting all your content on your local machine, which is cheap (3), hosting your domain on a VPS which is globally accessible (1) and then bridging the VPS to your self-hosted server via TailScale or NetMaker or NetBird or ZeroTier, which avoids you directly exposing your home network to the Internet, so it's comparably safer (2). This is, I think, called a "jump host" setup.
The general idea of how this works is that you own a domain name, and you point the domain name at your VPS. Your friend connects to your public VPS using your domain name. Your VPS runs only a single program, a reverse proxy (I like Caddy) that forwards your friend from the VPS to your server at home via a mesh network VPN connection that is only accessible to the VPS and your server. This way, your home network is not publicly accessible, except through the controlled routes that you set up on your VPS. Connections from the public Internet "jump" over to your server and then "jump" back out.
Your VPS can be a shit tier machine that costs pennies per month, because all it's doing is running a single program to jump connections back and forth. All you need is a domain name from a registry like Cloudflare's (which is a yearly payment of like 10 bucks unless you want a very popular name). You can even cut costs even more using things like Oracle's VPS free tier for a 0 cost VPS.
I could have stayed fully-free, but I decided I would spend a little bit of money to ensure the providers I ended up using would be reliable and provide me with SLAs and uptime guarantees and all that fun stuff.
My current setup is a Cloudflare domain name - which costed me 80 bucks for 10 years, and an Amazon Lightsail instance which costs me $3.50 a month that I use as a jump host. All of my configuration, except for keys, are on Github in my dotfiles, public for anyone to view and copy. I can take the entire setup, move to any VPS provider I want, and set up a new jump host in minutes and be up and running. $3.50 a month. Lots of fun.
I'm still working on securing the VPS itself though. Since it's open to the world I get a lot of bots looking for exploits. I've had fun learning about honeypots and using CrowdSec and Fail2Ban to figure out how to keep my cloud secure. Hopefully when we chat again it will still be secure. We'll see.
Stay tuned!
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