Friday, October 18, 2019

Library updates

PYDroid 20.5.0 is released, bringing the new hook style initializer and teardown handlers I mentioned in the last post! As mentioned before, the old function inheritance style is still present - and will continue to work until 21.0.0 at which point it will be unceremoniously slaughtered for the greater good.

Along with PYDroid, Cachify has seen a new release bringing it to version 0.0.3! The new release is backwards compatible with 0.0.2 syntax wise (but not binary compatible - sorry) and lays the groundwork for a full repository pattern. Cachify 0.0.3 now allows you to specify a list of CacheStorage objects, which will be iterated through one after the other when looking for cached data. The first object to present valid cached data will be returned, and only if no CacheStorage objects contain valid data will the upstream be hit. This change is transparent for consumers, and the simple syntax for creating a Cached instance which is backed by a memory cache storage is unchanged.

The one change though - previous releases of Cachify used public inline functions and called through to internal library implementations via the @PublishedApi annotation. With 0.0.3, this annotation has been removed, making the library not binary-compatible with 0.0.2. Unless you have a very strange setup, you should not notice this change at all.

And with the release of Cachify 0.0.3 also comes PYDroid 20.6.0! Wait what? Two releases of PYDroid in the same evening? Why yes! For those of you who do not know, PYDroid is this mishmash library which contains other libraries - like Coroutines, Cachify, and Highlander. The only difference between 20.5.0 and 20.6.0 is that 20.6.0 brings support for the new Cachify 0.0.3! I didn't want to remove the already released version and I figure its nice to know that not too many things are changing at once. For those who want to play it safe, you can use 20.5.0, but if you are adventurous and daring, try the new 20.6.0!

I'm hard at work on actual applications too - FridgeFriend is nearing completion and once it is done it will go out with the other pyamsoft applications - bringing support for Android 10 and all its shiny new things!

Stay tuned!

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