Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Full Circle

I began my career as an Android developer by creating a power management application for old Android phones that would turn off Wifi and Data when the screen was off. This was back in the olden days, before AppCompat and support libraries - where we needed to use Eclipse to manually download JAR files and used ActionBarSherlock to support older devices because nobody actually had any modern version of Android.

Life has changed and wow - how we have grown.

I feel it is only fitting then that I come to you today, glad to announce that things have come full circle. I am now an Android developer 10 years older.



Developing a power management application for Android devices that saves battery when the screen turns off.



Built in two days as a simple pet project to do a simple task. Now hold on, before you complain about shitty power manager applications that don't actually do anything - this is not snake oil. There is no custom power managing logic happening here, since this application is very simple. It does exactly one thing.

When you turn the phone screen off, this application enables the Android system built-in power-saver mode. When you turn the screen back on, your phone is set back to normal mode. That's it.

By relying on the built in system power-saving mode, we can ensure that a bunch of things "actually work." Battery is actually saved because the system has the ability to shut off or throttle a bunch of things. Whitelists are correctly handed because this is just the same system-wide battery optimization whitelist that you already have on your phone. Nothing actually changes about your device, this application just helps to do one additional convenient thing for you.

As always, full open source with no tracking or analytics or advertisement. I hope to have it up on the store soon.



Stay tuned!

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