Your decision tree, when installing a flatpak should be as follows, where failing to answer any step with an emphatic "YES" would stop you from continuing down the chain of application installation.
1. Is this a verified flatpak?
2. Is this verified flatpak published by the developer or a trusted developing community member?
3. Is the project still alive, does the flatpak run on the latest runtime, or have a very good reason for why it's not?
4. Does the flatpak ship with a minimal number of extra libraries outside of the runtime?
If you've answered yes to all the above, then it's safe to install the flatpak via the flathub-verified subset, life is good! This is generally the hardest step, as a poorly maintained flatpak can lack security updates or be too open by default. Generally you'll want to pick projects which official publish builds under flatpak, ideally as the "only" distribution channel, to ensure that they are always maintained to the best of the developer's ability.
If you've answered no, then your decision tree splits under the following:
1. Is the package in my distro's official repositories?
2. Is the package maintained by a reliable third party in the AUR, can I vouch for their ability to script a build and maintain it with reasonable turnaround time?
If you've answered yes, then great, install the package. As far as getting the "flatpak sandbox" style experience, you need to remember that flatpak is not a SECURITY sandbox, it's chiefly a "hide my user-homedir from other apps" kind of sandbox. This kind of low-security/high-convenience sandbox can easily be replicated using "raw" bwrap or things like distrobox if you are so inclined. This option is always second to installing an official flatpak, as flatpak handles all of the security and seperation bits for us and we just need to much around in little override files, as opposed to understanding the intricacies of bwrap itself. Nevertheless, bwrap jailing is better than not jailing at all.
Finally, if bwrap is not a viable solution for your program, you can prevent as much "user-homedir" access as possible by running the app as a second user and setting up a kind of "user-jumphost" script.
For general reference, I run almost all of my "daily" applications via verified flatpaks with restrictive overrides.
For apps that have no officially verified flatpak, like Android Studio and Webstorm, I run them as bwrap restricted jails via packages from either the distro repositories, or the AUR, which at least allow me to namespace UTS, PID, USERNS, and shadow directories like /var/, /proc, /run, and /tmp. I use my own jail script, that gives me access to X11, Wayland, and Pipewire by default, so that "general desktop usage" is seamless. Sharing files in and out of the jail just requires me to copy or move a file into the jail-home first, which is minimal effort.
And finally, for apps like Steam, which I like to run using gamescope which requires root access to the /tmp/.X11-unix socket location and thus cannot be jailed, I run as a delegated user that has minimal privileges, no sudo access, and is only able to be interacted with to run that specific command. Generally this delegated user is reserved only for very special apps, like gamescope, which create their own nested display servers. Basically every other "normal" app can be bwrap jailed with some configuration.
With a bit of extra configuration and some files in the right places, you can have a system which is nicely compartmentalized! If I need to uninstall or reset a flatpak, I delete it's folder in ~/.var/app. If I need to uninstall or reset a bwrap jailed program, I delete it's folder in ~/.local/etc/jails. And if I need to reset a delegated user style application, I delete it's user and all their related home files. Keeps things nicely separated and running with minimal permission where possible.
Stay tuned!
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