Saturday, February 18, 2017

A work in progress

Lots of fixes under the hood, but unfortunately no real new features.

Smaller APK sizes across the board. Faster performance, less memory usage, all that fun stuff.

Code is hopefully easier to read and go through and maintain.
I've been working particularly on stability in Power Manager. Older methods would prevent a lot of frequent automatic changes, I'm hoping with the new Android Job library backing the automatic queuing, the application will be more effective and more efficient.

DontSuck media player is actually nearing release, though its taken longer than I initially imagined.

PadLock now caches all of its large lists, meaning you only need to wait through the long loading time once, unless you wish to refresh the lists, which is still done in the same way.

Hoping to make a release over the weekend, but we'll see as time permits.

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