PYDroid changes and incompatible APIs, name a more iconic duo.
The next version of PYDroid will be 20.8.0, which will be generally sane, but will require some API consumer changes to work.
The first big change is that the use of directly referencing Bundle objects in UiViewModels and UiViews is gone! Replacing it are two new abstractions, UiBundleReader and UiBundleWriter. I assume you can guess what they do. You can create a new reader or a writer from a Bundle using the respective Companion create method. They have a similar API to the normal bundle and should be simple to migrate to.
The perhaps larger change is an update to the rendering of UiViews. Gone is the notion of the UiSavedState class, as it was a class which held saved bundle data but was also stateful and sometimes returned data and sometimes did not depending on when the data was last consumed. This posed problems for nested render loops which relied on the same saved state. As a result, all render and onRender methods now only take a single parameter - state.
The init, inflate, teardown, and saveState functions on UiView which come from its interfaces are now final - please use hooks instead of overriding these if you extend from UiView directly. Any other consumer, like those from BaseUiView, PrefUiView, or just consumers of the IView interface should notice no changes.
As a result of these changes, some memory leaks have been plugged in the pyamsoft applications - I will try to get a release out soon. FridgeFriend is ever vigilent and still coming along.
Stay tuned.
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