In an effort to future proof pyamsoft applications for what I assume will be a future announcement of deprecating SharedPreferences, I have updated PYDroid to access all preferences as suspending functions. This will avoid activity on the main thread as SharedPreferences are initialized and should improve read performance.
Initialization hooks on UiViewModels are now stored and replayed from a Set instead of a List, so ordering of these hooks is not guaranteed. While still guaranteed for UiView instances, you should not rely on this ordering as a strict API guarantee. Anything that requires ordering should run in the same block of a given hook.
FridgeFriend has received more improvements on its quest to finally - finally - FINALLY be released... and its not quite there yet but I will release it one day. Since a new Half Life is coming out I suppose my pool of excuses is slowly drying up. After all this time, I'm a bit anxious about releasing what is effectively still an MVP of an idea - but hey that's what you get with hobby time projects.
I've got more to talk about but its a nitty gritty nerd topic - so maybe another time.
Stay tuned.
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