Tuesday, December 8, 2020

PYDroid Autopsy

PYDroid Autopsy is a new library which helps during development by showing a crash report page on the device when an application exits due to an uncaught exception.

PYDroid Autopsy is a debug only library which requires 0 code changes to use as it self-installs via a debug only ContentProvider. It overrides the UncaughtExceptionHandler, and does not call through to any other handlers, so be warned if you are using other tools during development that Autopsy is currently not compatible with other tools which override the handler.

PYDroid Autopsy shows a red crash screen as well as the stack trace whenever a crash occurs and the device is able to capture the crash before exiting. While this is not a 100% solution, it more often than not will help catch crashes in development. It will also fire the stacktrace to logcat for those connected to the Android debug tools.

Try it out today! Find it here.

Stay tuned!

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