Wednesday, February 7, 2024

TetherFi and the Older Devices

TetherFi supports "old" versions of Android, all the way down to Android N which was released in 2016! As far as developer toolchain is concerned, N is still "new enough" that most modern Android features work.

Recently though I was testing TetherFi on an Android N emulator and noticed that some visual differences made the app a little tricky to use on older versions.

For one thing, the bottom Navigation used in old versions of Android was showing as completely transparent in Light mode! White buttons on a white background are very hard to see. This is because TetherFi requests that the Navigation bar itself be completely transparent, and requests that the Navigation bar paint black icons using the new AndroidX compat edgeToEdge method.

What I didn't notice because I failed to read the documentation, or the documentation failed to note, is that while a Transparent Navigation bar works just fine on old Android N, the black-icon change does absolutely nothing! In the code it is intentionally left blank, a no-op. Thanks AndroidX.

A change in a developer version that should become the future version 41 will make the bar semi-transparent on older versions of Android to account for the fact that the dark icons do not show up.

Similarly, light status icons were not taking effect properly on old versions of Android, and various areas on screen which displayed some "fallback" text for unsupported features were very hard to read.

While modern Android feels like it is now at least Android 9 and above, all pyamsoft Android applications (currently only 1 public one :( ) will continue to support down to Android 7 (N) as long as it is feasibly possible.

The new TetherFi update will hopefully be arriving "soon TM".

Stay tuned!

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