Monday, March 9, 2015

i3-wm and Tiling Window Managers

So over the weekend I switched one of my systems from OpenBox to i3-wm and so far have been enjoying the experience. I have used tiling managers in the past, starting with DWM and then AwesomeWM, but went over to OpenBox because I wanted to try out a floating manager. But as it turns out, for most use cases in OpenBox I would simply maximize the windows or part them to both sides of the screen, kind of like what a Tiling manager does automatically.

So why continue to use OpenBox then if all I am doing is manually tiling windows myself in a stacking manager. So I made the switch, and right now its a very minimal system I've got going on. But I'm enjoying my time and especially enjoy the fact that i3-wm has operating "modes" ala Vim. More on that maybe later.

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