Saturday, May 23, 2015

pstate-frequency updates

pstate-frequency work today. Updated it to handle some new arguments as well as handle errors better. The options "turbo", "max", "min", and "governor" can now handle string arguments as well as int arguments. This means that to set, for example, the powersave governor, you can do

  #   pstate-frequency --set --governor powersave


  #   pstate-frequency --set --governor 0

* This assumes that the powersave governor is first on your system list of governors.

Entering an invalid governor name will print out the list of available governors along with their associated number values. The same print out will also work for the power plans.

The --turbo / -t option can now handle the words "on" and "off" as well as the values for no_turbo directly. It will change handling based on the pstate availability of the system.

The --max and --min option can now handle the  arguments "max" and "min" to set the CPU frequencies to the highest and lowest possible respectively.

More error checking has been implemented, and now non-numeric strings will not be evaluated to 0. So now, for example, one is unable to enter

  #   pstate-frequency --set --turbo asdajhsdadjasdk

and enable the turbo boost. This pstate-frequency program will instead catch the error and exit gracefully, cleaning up any used memory.

Currently all of these additions are only available on the "dev" branch, but once I test them further I will look towards pushing them onto the master branch.

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