Tuesday, April 26, 2016

PadLock released

The first public release of PadLock just got pushed right now.

PadLock has been worked on tirelessly for the past couple of months. It was a learning experience for me to learn both RxJava, and more recently the Dagger (2) DI frameworks. It was a wild ride, and after a lot of rewriting and different ideas on implementation (like replacing SQL for Realm and then replacing Realm again for SQL), PadLock has finally seen its first release with nearly 500 commits to its name.

Perhaps the think I appreciate the most about this release is how much I have learned in coding it. PadLock attempts the MVP pattern using RxJava and Dagger2, and accomplishes its simple job as an application locker while requiring literally zero runtime permissions. It doesn't even use the Internet.

Now that it is released, the Master branch will stay at whatever the 1.0.1 code was. All new developments will take place in named branches, the results of which will be pushed into the 'dev' branch. I look forward to improving PadLock in the future with more features and better security.

Go out and try it!

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