Thursday, May 5, 2016

More locks

PadLock is seeing quick development as I pull ideas out of my head.

Currently it is designed around a number pad, which is a custom view I created using a grid of numbers in a linear layout. The number pad is limited, in that it only allows numeric passcodes. This is not the best, as we have support for any passcode which is a valid, non-null String. As such, in the next release, 1.1.0, I've taken the liberty of ripping out this number pad in exchange for the users system keyboard. Your existing PadLock passcodes will still work, needing no changes. Now though, you will be able to enter in alphanumeric passcodes with symbols and the whole shebang.

You are technically also able to leave the passcode field blank as a valid passcode. While this is not recommended, it is not my job to tell you how to use your device. Though I have flirted with the idea of passcode requirements in the past, they have proven to be too limiting and can in some cases reveal passcode schema. As such, they are not going to be in place for this release.

Additional improvements include faster UI response times as more code is being moved off of the main thread and being handled via the RX observable framework. One nice example is that all preference object accesses are done off of the main thread as a hard requirement. I am still looking to rewrite the UI to simple update when the backend DB storage updates for smoother connection to the database and better handling of changes than we have now.

Anyway, these changes can all be observed on the dev branch, which I hope to freeze into a beta-1.1.0 branch in the coming week.

ZapTorch has also been updated to use RX as its threading framework, as I just like it so much. I'm looking to replace the instance of AsyncTask loading the Camera with an RX call in the future. I am not pushing RX into the pydroid library as of yet as some of the projects, like Home Button, do not need the additional complexity of the RX framework.

Ramble over.

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