Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Quick updates

Hope you all enjoyed the weekend.

PadLock was updated to 1.3.1 which removes the tab view pager interface in favor of just separate screens per fragment. This should give more vertical screen real-estate when using the application in landscape modes.

Also cleaned up a lot of the application with those annotations I love so much, hopefully when things crash I can expect them to now.

ZapTorch also was updated to 1.1.2 which allows for switching which Camera API controls the flashlight at runtime. It will also be nicer about displaying error dialogs regarding permissions or just plain errors.

SoftGlow rewrite for version 3.0.0 has begun, but no real progress has been made on it other than some cleanup and updating dependencies. I hope to get more serious work done on it later in the week.

Brief today. More later.

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