So updates.
Power Manager version 6 is out. Consider this to be a softer release than usual, as I wanted to push out all of the bugfixes even if the application did not have all the features I wanted it to. This is in aggressively active development and will be improved considerably in the coming weeks.
PadLock has been updated to fix some bugs as well as add the ability to remove the full database when it is cleared.
ZapTorch has been updated to fix some bugs.
Pasterino has been updated to fix some bugs.
Home Button has been updated to fix some bugs.
All of the applications come with an optional display banner. This is, I suppose in essence, an advertisement. But this does not use any Ad SDK, but rather just displays an easily dismissed banner displaying other pyamsoft applications. These will not show all the time, and can be easily dismissed.
Because I promised no advertisements ever, these banners can be disabled by simply toggling a switch in the application settings. If you don't want to see them, you won't have to. Sorry.
But hey, at least you can learn about the other applications I work on if you are not following here as often.
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