Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Power Manager can toggle mobile data on API 21+

As the title says, in the most recent git commit for Power Manager, it is now able to manage Mobile Data on devices running Lollipop and up.

For those who are unaware, when Android Lollipop was released it removed the ability for applications to toggle the current state of the device's mobile data. This meant that for a two year period, Power Manager was unable to automatically manage the mobile data on devices running the newest Android.
Power Manager is now able to toggle the mobile data on all supported devices from API 16 (JellyBean) all the way to API 24 (Nougat). No root required.

When you launch the application and navigate to the mobile data page on a device running Lollipop and above, you will be shown a dialog box which instructs you how to enable mobile data toggles on Power Manager.

tl;dr You will need access to a machine which has adb installed. Connect your device with Power Manager installed to your machine and run the following command:

adb -d shell pm grant com.pyamsoft.powermanager android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS

Close and re-open Power Manager and you should be able to now toggle mobile data on your Lollipop and up device.

Oh and by the way, Power Manager can now force Doze mode on Marshmallow using a similar command as above, but granting a different permission:

adb -d shell pm grant com.pyamsoft.powermanager android.permission.DUMP

See the Data and Settings pages in the Power Manager application for more info.

The Power Manager update is being processed in the store now and should go live in a couple of hours. Stay tuned!

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