Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Script updates

pstate-frequency update has been released which bumps the stable version to the new 3.4.0.

This release is mainly bugfixing and code cleanups, bringing hopefully more POSIX compatible shell script and less bashisms.

steam-wrapper has also been updated to handle some new libraries which may be stale on non Ubuntu 12.04 systems, and has been redesigned to be hopefully POSIX compatible including the removing of many bashisms in the code. Do note that this release removes support for long options passed to the wrapper on the command line and slightly changes the syntax of the configuration file.

Both releases are admittedly small and the user should not notice too many differences.

update-hosts has been updated to address a small issue which leaks a line into the final hosts file. git-ssh has been updated to address an issue regarding the parsing of SSH command line options.

Power Manager update is coming along smoothly, perhaps later this week I'll be ready for an open beta. Once bugs are ironed out, version 6 will release.

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