Saturday, July 16, 2016

Trimming the fat

Power Manager and PadLock both implement a Job Scheduler which uses GCMNetworkManager to handle queuing on API <21.

When one attempts to use the Job Scheduler, it pulls in the permission to access the Internet and the network state, even if the Internet is not actually used by Power Manager or PadLock.

To make sure that no unnecessary permissions are required to run pyamsoft applications, Power Manager and PadLock both explicitly remove the GoogleApiActivity and the Internet permissions from the manifest so that both applications will not have the ability to access the Internet.

This does pose a potential problem, if library code attempts to access the network it will fail without the Internet or network permission. So far, testing does not indicate any area that should cause the application to crash due to this. However, do note that in exchange for increased privacy when using the application, it may crash randomly due to network permission errors.

Submit bug reports should it happen, thanks!

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