Monday, July 18, 2016

PadLock 1.5.0 released

An update has just been released to PadLock which addresses the following:

- Fixes a number of crashes that would only surface on devices below Lollipop. These related to lock screen closing crashes and crashes when loading Vector images.

- Adds support for periodic device re-checking to lock the screen. When enabled, PadLock will queue up re-check jobs. These re-check jobs will fire once the unlock time has elapsed. When the re-check job fires, PadLock will check what the currently active window is. If it is a window in an application that is meant to be locked, PadLock will automatically lock the device again. This allows devices to be periodically re-secured if this kind of security is desired by the user. This options is disabled by default and can be changed in the Settings page.

Power Manager is coming along nicely and I hope to release an open beta for the application in about a week or so. Stay tuned if you're interested in that!

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