Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Here's What's Happening



Power Manager:

- Fixed a crash when scrolling too fast on the Manage screen
- Cleanup code for Power Triggers, should silence an annoying message and allow for faster trigger creation.
- Fixed buggy management handling when searching for valid Wearable devices
- Square images in the overview.
- Smaller APK size
- More tests
- Reset the 'Start on Boot' setting when clearning the application settings


- Fixed an issue that pops up on Android N causing the lock screen to launch over and over again.
- Fixed an issue which could cause the LockInfoDialog to crash
- Lower memory usage
- Smaller APK size
- More tests

Home Button
- Smaller APK size

- Clear the service when clearing all settings
- Smaller APK size

- Show the changelog on demand
- Smaller APK size

- Fixed a torch bug on API <21 devices
- Smaller APK size
- Clear service when clearing all settings

- Tint the screen based on the time of day or the current amount of light in the room.

And, for something new, a media player.
It's just a simple media player, doesn't need the internet and can quickly and easily load all of the tracks from your device local storage. I created this after getting fed up because of a certain other music player which refused to load the local media library when there is no network connection (Why you need internet to load the local media library, I'll never know). After days of frustration and trying to fix the other media player, I gave up and angrily created my own. It turns out that it's "not bad" but I recognize that it may not fit every person's listening patterns. More on this in the future.

No updates yet, as I'm still cleaning things up. But just know that all of the work is still alive and kicking.

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