Monday, September 22, 2014

I'm on GitHub

So today is a large step in the right direction I feel.

I have at this point uploaded most of my Android projects onto GitHub as source only repositories. As a viewer you are free to read my source code and see how I go about implementing functionality (poorly) into my Android applications. I have not included other build specific files, as this would make the resulting freedom of reproduction dangerous to end users. I am disclosing the source to my applications as a way to promote education and giving new developers a tree to look at and learn from.

As an open source application you are free to view and for the code on GitHub. However, the laws of copyright still hold, and as the sole author of the code I still hold the rights to distribution, production, and all derivative works. You are not allowed to take my source and distribute it else where, claim it as your own, or use it to produce an application of your own. You are free to read it only. It is for learning. Not for money making.

Please do not betray my trust. I have hosted these sources so that other developers may learn as I have through example and testing, trial and error. If I find that my applications have been replublished or reproduced elsewhere, I will not hesitate to pull down all of my Android sources on GitHub. Please note however, that the distribution of my applications is legal on the Google Play Store, as I have willingly and knowingly uploaded them there for the purpose of using the Google Play Store services to distribute them to the public. They are uploaded to the store as non-source packaged blobs.

So in summary.
Source on GitHub.
Reading good.
Learning good.
Copying bad.
Distributing bad.
False Claiming bad.

Google Play Store good.
Every where else bad.

Keep following pyamsoft for updates and announcements about the newest applications!

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